Friday, December 20, 2013

Christmas Craft

Katie is really into crafts right now.  Ok, mostly she is into coloring and putting stickers on her drawings.  She LOVES glue sticks too.  I've been a little worried about the mess, but glue sticks really aren't so bad. I'm glad I went with glue sticks instead of traditional glue. Definitely cleaner!

This week I decided to be crafty with my little girl. We made a Christmas tree.  I traced her hand and she was so patient waiting for me to cut out the hands so she could glue them on the page.  Gluing the hands on was her favorite part.  I tried not to have too much guidance while she stuck hands down, but I did want it to look like a Christmas tree.  When the tree was done, I asked her what color to make the star on top, she said, "Brown." I asked if she wanted yellow or orange, she said, "No, brown star."  I just laughed and made her a brown star. Katie got a bit stingy with the "ornaments" (stickers), maybe she got bored. 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Dinner is served!

Delicious quiche recipe from Katie's Junior Cookbook Collection: Main Meal Menus.
I swapped out ham for the turkey and broccoli instead of carrots. Oh and used our favorite Mexican blend instead of American cheese.