Saturday, August 24, 2013

Mama Bear

Every mom has it. A moment when their mama bear instincts kick in. Mine was last month at the mall play area. Here were my thoughts at the time:

I'm so upset about this boy who was pushing Katie multiple times. I ran over there and put my hand on his shoulder to stop him and said pushing people isn't nice. The mom came over and said next time can you just come get me instead of touching my son. SERIOUSLY?!?!! No sorry or anything for the fact that her son was shoving my daughter to the ground. How was I supposed to know who his mother was since she didn't do anything to stop it!

Now that a month has passed I am able to go back to the play area without a pit forming in my stomach. Katie isn't traumatized by the incident like I was. She'll play any where, any time.

I've not had my mama bear instinct come out like that before or since. I'm sure it will again...I love my little girl & take my job of raising her, protecting her & providing for her seriously!