The email daily devotions I receive have been sending a Thankful Thursday devotion during the month of November. That made me think, "Why just have Thankful Thursday in November?" Then there are those Facebook posts "Day 22: I'm thankful for..." Why just have month of being thankful? Why aren't we thankful for what we have all year long, for our whole whole lives? Being thankful should be a lifestyle. It should be engrained in how we live, how we raise our children. We start comparing to others, become unsatisfied with our lives, basically we let the selfishness creep in. I know I do anyway, maybe you are better than me.
Being thankful should be a lifestyle.
We made Thankfulness Journals in my mom to mom bible study group recently. Instead of our normal study, we had craft time. The journals were a type of Thanksgiving craft activity. I just thought, "What a great idea." The mom who lead us said she started it when she was in a funk one day. You know, the day nothing goes right and you are just not happy. She suggests sitting as a family and write what each person is thankful for. Some from her journal were "My belly button" "I got to eat candy today" Simple things maybe, but there is always something we can be thankful each day.
Here are a few things I'm thankful for:
- God-my Father, Jesus my Savior & the Holy Spirit: who looks after me, gives me strength, and guides matter what life brings, I am always thankful for my God
- My loving husband
- My sweet, beautiful daughter
- Our lovely home
- Charley, the crazy little dog in my life
- My loving & supportive parents
- Siblings who are also friends
- The wonderful family I married into - I have some great in-laws
- Friends who encourage me and help me through all situations in my life
- My mommy friends - some days they are the only ones who truly understand me
- My small group where bible study & fellowship = great memories
- Finding a mom's bible study that is so supportive
- My husband's job which allows me to stay home with my girl
- The location of our house - being able to walk to the park & being in a safe neighborhood
- Generous friends who pass on clothes and toys for my girl
- My flower garden which makes me so happy all spring & summer
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