Katie is really into crafts right now. Ok, mostly she is into coloring and putting stickers on her drawings. She LOVES glue sticks too. I've been a little worried about the mess, but glue sticks really aren't so bad. I'm glad I went with glue sticks instead of traditional glue. Definitely cleaner!
This week I decided to be crafty with my little girl. We made a Christmas tree. I traced her hand and she was so patient waiting for me to cut out the hands so she could glue them on the page. Gluing the hands on was her favorite part. I tried not to have too much guidance while she stuck hands down, but I did want it to look like a Christmas tree. When the tree was done, I asked her what color to make the star on top, she said, "Brown." I asked if she wanted yellow or orange, she said, "No, brown star." I just laughed and made her a brown star. Katie got a bit stingy with the "ornaments" (stickers), maybe she got bored.
Friday, December 20, 2013
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Dinner is served!
Delicious quiche recipe from Katie's Junior Cookbook Collection: Main Meal Menus.
I swapped out ham for the turkey and broccoli instead of carrots. Oh and used our favorite Mexican blend instead of American cheese.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Thankful Thursday?
The email daily devotions I receive have been sending a Thankful Thursday devotion during the month of November. That made me think, "Why just have Thankful Thursday in November?" Then there are those Facebook posts "Day 22: I'm thankful for..." Why just have month of being thankful? Why aren't we thankful for what we have all year long, for our whole whole lives? Being thankful should be a lifestyle. It should be engrained in how we live, how we raise our children. We start comparing to others, become unsatisfied with our lives, basically we let the selfishness creep in. I know I do anyway, maybe you are better than me.
Being thankful should be a lifestyle.
We made Thankfulness Journals in my mom to mom bible study group recently. Instead of our normal study, we had craft time. The journals were a type of Thanksgiving craft activity. I just thought, "What a great idea." The mom who lead us said she started it when she was in a funk one day. You know, the day nothing goes right and you are just not happy. She suggests sitting as a family and write what each person is thankful for. Some from her journal were "My belly button" "I got to eat candy today" Simple things maybe, but there is always something we can be thankful each day.
Here are a few things I'm thankful for:
- God-my Father, Jesus my Savior & the Holy Spirit: who looks after me, gives me strength, and guides me...no matter what life brings, I am always thankful for my God
- My loving husband
- My sweet, beautiful daughter
- Our lovely home
- Charley, the crazy little dog in my life
- My loving & supportive parents
- Siblings who are also friends
- The wonderful family I married into - I have some great in-laws
- Friends who encourage me and help me through all situations in my life
- My mommy friends - some days they are the only ones who truly understand me
- My small group where bible study & fellowship = great memories
- Finding a mom's bible study that is so supportive
- My husband's job which allows me to stay home with my girl
- The location of our house - being able to walk to the park & being in a safe neighborhood
- Generous friends who pass on clothes and toys for my girl
- My flower garden which makes me so happy all spring & summer
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Beads on a String
Here is a fun activity that I thought Katie would be too young for. My thoughts were, "She's even 2 yet. She won't be able to string beads." Well, I was wrong.
One day she saw the fun bucket in her closet, so I got it down and showed her theses beads (from friends at chruch-THANK YOU). She had fun playing with the on her fingers and I thought why not give her some string. I found ribbon and twine around the house, then showed her how to string the beads. Next thing I know she can do it! Now, believe me, she is not GREAT at it yet. She does enjoy trying and I even get to help sometimes.
***Safety note: do not leave your child alone with string. Katie likes to think its a necklace...wrapping it around her neck. I have to constantly remind her the proper way to play with the beads and string.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Fall Family Fun (mini-vacation)
Just what the doctor ordered. A mini family vacation. Enjoying the fall foliage and time together.
Our mini-family vacation was BEAUTIFUL. I love the mountain scenes. It was
kinda hard to believe that we were just a few hours from home. I loved
it so much. It was great to do our own thing and just enjoy being
together as a family. My husband works hard to provide for his family. He sometimes works nights or weekends. Since we had a busy time (work, family visits) at the beginning of the fall season, this was a wonderful retreat for our family. Special thanks to my mom & dad for sharing their time share with us, so we could enjoy our little get-away.
Someone loved the train ride though the country side. Katie kept saying "beep beep" when the steam whistle would blow.
Golf course with a view!
This is the train station with mountains in the background. Beautiful!
Driving along the Kangamangus Highway.
Loon Mountain
Fall in New England. This photo just says it all.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Halloween Festivities
I was never really into Halloween. I don't mind giving out candy to those kids who took time to dress up (some just came out in sweats this year, come on guys, get creative!). I haven't been really excited about dressing up and going to a party or anything. Ok, when I was a kid I liked it and in college it was fun, but for the last 10 years or so, I haven't been all that into it.
Now that I'm a mom, I'm into Halloween. I love getting her dressed up and showing her off. I even had a Halloween party for Katie and her friends.
One of the best memories from Halloween this year was Katie handing out candy. She got so excited when kids knocked on the door. Katie would want to hand out the candy with mom or dad, then say, "More people, more people comin!" Just so excited to hand out more candy to the kids.
Here are pictures from the party, Trunk or Treat (two different ones) and the actual day of Halloween (yes, we dressed Charley up too).
Now that I'm a mom, I'm into Halloween. I love getting her dressed up and showing her off. I even had a Halloween party for Katie and her friends.
One of the best memories from Halloween this year was Katie handing out candy. She got so excited when kids knocked on the door. Katie would want to hand out the candy with mom or dad, then say, "More people, more people comin!" Just so excited to hand out more candy to the kids.
Here are pictures from the party, Trunk or Treat (two different ones) and the actual day of Halloween (yes, we dressed Charley up too).
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Scarf Idea from Facebook

My friend posted this on Facebook. I thought that's a cute idea. I can do that. So this morning on the way to church, I tried it. Here is the result:
Definitely a better look than what I normally do with scarfs. I was just talking with someone this week about how I didn't know how to tie a scarf and make it look cute. Well, when I see her this week, I'm gonna rock my cute scarf look. I even taught someone at church how to do it!
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Friday, September 27, 2013
Love you Papa
How do I explain to this little one Papa is no more? Do you see that smile when she found his picture? She even remembers tickling his feet when we visited him in the hospital.
I didn't get too upset when I found out he had passed. He was 90. He had beaten cancer like 3 times, #4 and in his brain...that did him in. He lived a good life. He wasn't perfect, but he loved his family and we love him still. Only when I saw how excited Katie was when she found his picture did I almost cry. If I did cry Katie would've been confused, so I kept it in.
I love my Papa. He used to take me out for my birthday...a perk of having a summer birthday when your grandparents are snowbirds! He was always supportive and loved chatting on the phone. You are already sorely missed!
Monday, September 23, 2013
Fall Card
These cards are so perfect for family and friends. I just love Shutterfly, so here is a plug for them! I just got 10 cards free (sorta, I paid about $6 for shipping).
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Mama Bear
Every mom has it. A moment when their mama bear instincts kick in. Mine was last month at the mall play area. Here were my thoughts at the time:
I'm so upset about this boy who was pushing Katie multiple times. I ran over there and put my hand on his shoulder to stop him and said pushing people isn't nice. The mom came over and said next time can you just come get me instead of touching my son. SERIOUSLY?!?!! No sorry or anything for the fact that her son was shoving my daughter to the ground. How was I supposed to know who his mother was since she didn't do anything to stop it!
Now that a month has passed I am able to go back to the play area without a pit forming in my stomach. Katie isn't traumatized by the incident like I was. She'll play any where, any time.
I've not had my mama bear instinct come out like that before or since. I'm sure it will again...I love my little girl & take my job of raising her, protecting her & providing for her seriously!
Sunday, June 30, 2013
God's Promise
God is so cool sometimes. Like the other day when I saw this rainbow above my neighbor's house while doing the dishes. I ran got my camera and took some pictures. Then before bed, reading my bible, I came across these verses in Genesis. "I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." (Gen 9:13-16) I didn't look these up or find them on purpose! I'm doing a read through the bible in a year program, and this is what I was scheduled to read. I love when stuff like this happens!
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Staying cool
We played inside with the AC on today. Is that wrong?
This little girl doesn't seem to mind! There is part of me feels guilty that we didn't play outside today. Monday was hot & we watched a movie. Tuesday we were outside in the sprinkler. Today was just not an outside day for me.
Why does the mom guilt have to come into play? We stayed in, used the AC, which costs money...but my girl had fun, so whatever! Happy baby is all that matters, right?
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Katie loves bubbles and even that little wand. If she only knew she shouldn't be eating it...This picture was taken while her bubble machine was going. She loved seeing so many bubbles come out. Most of the time Katie stood right infront of the machine, where the bubbles come out, so her hair was covered in popped bubble residue. At one point Katie chased the bubbles down the driveway and almost down the street. (no worries, mommy was following her) Let's just say my girl is obsessed with bubbles! So much so that I think I need to hide
the bubble containers.
This little "no spill/no mess" bubble container really works! The only mess is a drip or two from the wand. The container really doesn't leak. Katie tested it out by putting it upside-down multiple times. (Bubble container by Little Kids)
Daddy does a great job teaching Katie. She was concentrating so hard, trying to make bubbles. It was cute!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Katie's favorite breakfast item are bananas. Waffles are a close second. Our new combination includes waffles with peanut butter and sliced bananas.
Here is our breakfast routine:
Katie asks for a banana. We get the banana & sit in her high chair. While she eats some of the banana, I get the waffles out of the freezer. Katie usually asks for them by name now. That's right, she can even say "waffle" now. Once the waffles are done, peanut butter and banana slices are added. The waffle is sliced and Katie enjoys.
Katie has her own ritual when it comes to eating this delightful meal. First all banana pieces must be eaten, then all waffle pockets must be emptied of peanut butter. Lastly, the waffle is eaten. Since not everyone gets to enjoy watching this as I do, I thought it would be nice to share a visual.

Here is our breakfast routine:
Katie asks for a banana. We get the banana & sit in her high chair. While she eats some of the banana, I get the waffles out of the freezer. Katie usually asks for them by name now. That's right, she can even say "waffle" now. Once the waffles are done, peanut butter and banana slices are added. The waffle is sliced and Katie enjoys.
Katie has her own ritual when it comes to eating this delightful meal. First all banana pieces must be eaten, then all waffle pockets must be emptied of peanut butter. Lastly, the waffle is eaten. Since not everyone gets to enjoy watching this as I do, I thought it would be nice to share a visual.

Monday, May 6, 2013
Not about self
My life right now is totally not about me. Being a mom means self-sacrifice. My thoughts revolve around Katie. Her needs, her pleasure, her safety...and on and on. I love my life. I love being a mom and caring for my little girl! My post was even just interrupted by my little cutie. (She was done with her bath & needed mommy time before breakfast. Btw, we are on vacation. The pictures below are just a small taste of the amazingness. )
Back to my thoughts...My devotional this morning was about how Christ was not concerned about raising himself up. His focus was on his Father's work. He came to give eternal life n Heaven to all who believe in Him. It caused Him pain, yet he selflessly went to the cross.
Then I read the following verses:
"So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience; bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you. Beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity."
Colossians 3:12-14 NASB
I want my life to reflect God's love to those around me. My hope is that Katie will see how I am with others and that she would how learn to be compassionate, kind & gentle; thinking of others before herself. So many people are so selfish & raised to be that way or don't even realize that how they are acting is very selfish. Christ is the best examples of being selfless. I'm hoping to reflect Him as I take care of Katie.
Back to my thoughts...My devotional this morning was about how Christ was not concerned about raising himself up. His focus was on his Father's work. He came to give eternal life n Heaven to all who believe in Him. It caused Him pain, yet he selflessly went to the cross.
Then I read the following verses:
"So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience; bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you. Beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity."
Colossians 3:12-14 NASB
I want my life to reflect God's love to those around me. My hope is that Katie will see how I am with others and that she would how learn to be compassionate, kind & gentle; thinking of others before herself. So many people are so selfish & raised to be that way or don't even realize that how they are acting is very selfish. Christ is the best examples of being selfless. I'm hoping to reflect Him as I take care of Katie.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
I cried today
Why? Because my baby walked today. She's taken a step here or there, but nothing with confidence. This morning she took about 5 steps to her dad.
That must mean she isn't a baby anymore, right? That's what I was thinking and then the water works started. I was laughing because I'm so happy for Katie. She now knows that she can walk without help. I'm happy that she's progressing as she should. Yet I cried. I'm sad that my girl is no longer a baby. She's growing so fast!!!
Posted a video on Facebook. If you can't see it, let me know and I'll make sure you get to see it :) It isn't from the very first time, but hey it's the same day anyway! I was too busy enjoying my girl walking the first time to actually catch it on film. That's what it's all about anyway, right?
That must mean she isn't a baby anymore, right? That's what I was thinking and then the water works started. I was laughing because I'm so happy for Katie. She now knows that she can walk without help. I'm happy that she's progressing as she should. Yet I cried. I'm sad that my girl is no longer a baby. She's growing so fast!!!
Posted a video on Facebook. If you can't see it, let me know and I'll make sure you get to see it :) It isn't from the very first time, but hey it's the same day anyway! I was too busy enjoying my girl walking the first time to actually catch it on film. That's what it's all about anyway, right?
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Peas in the yogurt
That's what happens when I let Katie feed herself.
I've been struggling with knowing the mess Katie would make if she fed herself and her desire to have the spoon. I gave in today. Katie loved it! Yes it was messy & she may have used her fingers more than the spoon, but most of the yogurt was eaten. She put peas in the yogurt, then ate the yogurt covered peas. Creative!
How could I resist giving her the spoon when she is just so happy! Katie does need to learn how to feed herself, so why not start now? Of course, the mess (see below) was a consequence, but that's what the sink is for! Katie loved playing with the water while I washed her hands, face & hair. That's right, her hair. She decided that putting her yogurt covered hands in her hair was a good idea.
I've been struggling with knowing the mess Katie would make if she fed herself and her desire to have the spoon. I gave in today. Katie loved it! Yes it was messy & she may have used her fingers more than the spoon, but most of the yogurt was eaten. She put peas in the yogurt, then ate the yogurt covered peas. Creative!

Successful/Messy lunch time...Katie will want to feed herself at every meal now, that may be a problem. (because I don't know if I can deal with the mess at every meal!)
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Macaroni Play Time
Sensory play. I've heard of it, but never really understood it. Sensory: the senses...sounds, textures, even taste (at this age especially). Ok, I get that. I'm not an expert, but here is the fun that I've with Katie during our sensory play time. The idea came from Pinterest. I'm happy to say that I've actually put a pin into use!
Mostly I've posted photos, so you can get the idea. I put two 16oz boxes of macaroni into a tub. Then added a measuring cup, stacking cups, and a bucket for Katie to play with.
The first time we tried this activity, I used a silver tub. It was a bit too deep. Katie had a hard time reaching the pasta. When we did the activity again, I switched to large pink bowl. This worked much better! Katie could reach the pasta and really enjoyed playing with it.
Katie struggled to scoop up the macaroni, but enjoyed it just the same. She liked feeling the pasta on her fingers and hearing it "crash" on the other pieces of pasta. It was so fun to watch that even Charley wanted to join in the fun.
Mostly I've posted photos, so you can get the idea. I put two 16oz boxes of macaroni into a tub. Then added a measuring cup, stacking cups, and a bucket for Katie to play with.
The first time we tried this activity, I used a silver tub. It was a bit too deep. Katie had a hard time reaching the pasta. When we did the activity again, I switched to large pink bowl. This worked much better! Katie could reach the pasta and really enjoyed playing with it.
Katie struggled to scoop up the macaroni, but enjoyed it just the same. She liked feeling the pasta on her fingers and hearing it "crash" on the other pieces of pasta. It was so fun to watch that even Charley wanted to join in the fun.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
With a kiss
My devotional today talked about how Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss. Such a familiar & friendly way to betray Him or something like that was mentioned.
I think of all the times I try the behind His back betrayal (like that even makes sense). Without a thought I betray Him, which is worse?? It makes no difference. It's still betrayal...still sin...still needs to be forgive. It is forgiven! Thank you, Heavenly Father, for Jesus' sacrifice & resurrection! Thank you for forgiveness.
I think of all the times I try the behind His back betrayal (like that even makes sense). Without a thought I betray Him, which is worse?? It makes no difference. It's still betrayal...still sin...still needs to be forgive. It is forgiven! Thank you, Heavenly Father, for Jesus' sacrifice & resurrection! Thank you for forgiveness.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Finger Foods?
I got an email recently that said something like your toddler will make any food into finger foods. This was totally right on!!! Katie wants to be independent and feed herself. It could be food packets, cheese, puffs, chicken, hummus, or carrots. No matter the food, Katie wants to be the one to put it in her mouth on her terms! Here are some photos as examples of how Katie likes to feed herself.
Example 1: Puffs - totally expected to be finger food
Example 2: Hummus - taken off the cracker to be eat with her fingers
Example 3: Fruit puree - not supposed to be finger food
Monday, February 4, 2013
A year!
"Can you believe a year has gone by already?" NO! Well, yes and no.

Just look at how much my baby girl has grown. From an infant who truly relies on mom & dad for everything to a little girl who can play on her own and feed herself. A letter from me to Katie...
I've watched you grow this year & I cannot believe what a gift you are. I waited patiently to meet you and when you came I could not believe how much I loved you. I knew that love was there while you were growing inside me, but it didn't compare to the love I felt when I got to see your precious face.
Now you are a precious one year old. The personality you have is truly a combination of your mom and dad. You love to dance & smile. You are inquisitive & observant. I just marvel as I watch you. I wonder what interests you and who you will become.
May the Lord grant me the wisdom, patience, and grace that I will need as you continue to grow. I love you so much Kaitlyn Grace.
Love, Momma

Just look at how much my baby girl has grown. From an infant who truly relies on mom & dad for everything to a little girl who can play on her own and feed herself. A letter from me to Katie...
I've watched you grow this year & I cannot believe what a gift you are. I waited patiently to meet you and when you came I could not believe how much I loved you. I knew that love was there while you were growing inside me, but it didn't compare to the love I felt when I got to see your precious face.
Now you are a precious one year old. The personality you have is truly a combination of your mom and dad. You love to dance & smile. You are inquisitive & observant. I just marvel as I watch you. I wonder what interests you and who you will become.
May the Lord grant me the wisdom, patience, and grace that I will need as you continue to grow. I love you so much Kaitlyn Grace.
Love, Momma
Monday, January 28, 2013
Katie's First Birthday!
A year has gone by...really? I'll dwell on that in a later post. This post is all about Katie's first birthday. We had a Winnie the Pooh themed party on her actually birthday, January 19th. After searching the web (via Pinterest) for ideas. Though part of me wanted to go all out I knew that since its Katie's first birthday & she wouldn't remember it anyway I decided I could keep the going all out stuff for when she was older. One thing I did have fun making was the Happy Birthday banner, keeping it generic so I can use it again. My circle cutters are awesome! Now for the details on the party:
Some of the food had fun Pooh themed tags like:
Roo chips & Kanga's Mango Salsa, Rabbit's Garden, and Piglets in a Blanket (morbid, sorry)
People may have been cramped, but all appeared to be having a good time.
Katie enjoyed her Honey Bee Cupcakes.
Who wouldn't, chocolate cupcakes with vanilla frosting, plus they were super cute!
Special thanks to Auntie Amy and Grammy for baking & decorating them.
The party favors were Tigger tails (morbid, but tastey).
*Lots of inspiration for Katie's Pooh Party came from this website: Winne The Pooh Party with Pinterest helping me find ideas
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