This is my fishing pole. You may not think so. Some use it to open & close the shade on the skylight, but I use it to go fishing.
No bait is needed when I go on this fishing trip. Just need my trusty pole & I'm off. What do I fish for you may wonder...pacifiers!

Katie likes to drop her pacifiers on the side of the crib we cannot reach. As you can see, she gets quite a collection of fun things over there. We pondered what to do, move the bed, or just buy more pacis. Brian had the brilliant idea to use the skylight shade hook. I'm not sure if he or I first called the task of collecting missing pacis 'fishing', but it has definitely stuck!
We go 'fishing' every few days or so, depending on how often Katie's paci dropping habit dictates. There have been the few occasions when the pacifiers end up on the other side of the crib. I'm glad for those times (the two times it actually happened!). Fishing for and washing pacis, just another task for the parents of Kaitlyn Grace!

Sometimes we 'catch' other items, like socks, if Katie decides to add them to her collections down there! No boots yet, or tin cans...for now...
What a fun adventure!
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