Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Texas trip

I finally have a moment to reflect on our trip to Texas.  First of all, it was Katie's first plane ride! I was so nervous about the flight. I should have realized that security was just as nerve wracking! That was probably the worst part of the trip. Katie did well on the plane. She was quiet & played well in the little seat. Ok, when we landed back in Boston she did have a freak out moment. We were waiting at the gate for the cabin door to open & she started melting down. It was 11pm, she was tired, the bright lights came on. I don't blame her. The only way to quiet her was nursing. She nursed until everyone got off the plane & we could finally get off too!

The purpose of the trip was a wedding and to visit family. We'll talk wedding first. So amazing to be in Ft. Worth. We loved it. We loved hanging out with friends that feel like family.  There were a few wedding events we attended while in Fort Worth.  They were outside & it was HOT down there.  Becca enjoyed the heat, but Brian was ready for some AC!  We did have some time to enjoy ourselves as a family too & explore Fort Worth, like going to a brewery and seeing 150 years of Fort Worth in one room!
Here are some pictures of our time there.

Family time was AWESOME! I loved being around my cousins. Spending time with two cousins I don't get to see very often was such a delight. Another highlight was seeing our kids interact. That's right, we're all parents!!! It was so neat, even made me feel like a real adult! Here are a few photos that show only some of the great moments we had together.

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