Monday, April 23, 2012

New Role

First of all, let me apologize that I haven't been able to blog as much as I hoped.  I'm kinda busy...with Katie.  I didn't think I'd be so busy with her.  When I'm not taking care of her (when she's napping), I'm cleaning or cooking or eating!  Life is just so different than I what I expected, yet not.  Its hard to describe, but let me try...

This is my new life: SAHM.  I'm no longer Mrs. Vienneau-Math Teacher.  I am a SAHM: Stay At Home Mom.  I love this new role, but WOW, it is very different from my old role.  My identity has changed.  I knew that would happen.  People talked about the change...but its nothing like I thought it would be.

Don't get me wrong.  I love my new life.  I love being a mom.  I just didn't know the feelings that I would experience as a took on my new role.  Katie can't say thanks every time I change her diaper or feed her or clean up her face from spit up.  Since I can't get them from her, I expected them from Brian.  He didn't even know how I was feeling because I wouldn't tell him.  I was just getting upset.  What a learning curve there is to being a SAHM!!!  Ok, now don't think that everything is awful here in the Vienneau household either.  Things are good.  We've just been getting hang of things over here.

Of course, I'll end with some pictures for you to enjoy.


  1. She's is so adorable. I just can't stop looking at her pictures all the time. Is there a bus I can take to come take her off your hands for a bit? ;) lol

  2. This is Chelsey Btw

  3. She is so beautiful.....u r doing a fabulous job! And......yes....what a change a new baby can gives such a rewarding and beautiful new role to life. Motherhood, nothing can compare........the best job evvverrrrr! Just when u think you have it all figured out......she will change on you......the beauty of being a mom.....flexability and love all rolled into one.
