- Adjusting to less sleep
- Adjusting to Becca being home with Katie (Kaitlyn's nickname)
- Adjusting to what it means to be a family
- Adjusting to a messy house - just not enough energy or time to clean
- Adjusting to a new schedule

Now that we have Katie with us, we're discovering just how much our lives are different: going out is much more of an ordeal, we have to schedule our lives around Katie's eating schedule...just two examples.
For lots more pictures of our little one, check out our photo share site: http://vienneaus.shutterfly.com/
Before signing off, I wanted to say THANK YOU!!! There are so many of our friends and family who have helped us with our adjustment. We've had meals made for us & family members stay with us. We're just so blessed. THANKS EVERYONE!!!
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