Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Fall Bucket List

Yes, I know this post is a tad late....

Remember when these were all the rage on Pinterest and Facebook?

When we vacationed in Cape Cod this summer, Katie had 3 items she was dying to see. A lighthouse, seals, and A windmill. Well, once we saw all three of these, she thought our vacation was the complete (but she wasn't ready to go home yet, we would have lots more swimming at the pool to do first).

So for fall I decided we should come up with a bucket list, just like for Cape Cod. Katie was excited when we got to mark things off our bucket list. We'll have to work on a winter bucket list now!

The Guardian

This quote from my devotional really spoke to me.
"You are the guardian, assigned to your child by God, to protect that young heart from poison and infection - even if (especially if) it's coming from you." -A Daily Word for Parents with Ron Hutchcraft

We are the guardian of our children.  It is natural as a parent to feel like a guardian.  We try our best to keep our children safe.  "Don't jump on the couch" "Hold my hand in the parking lot" These are just two of many things I say daily (even multiple times a day) as I try to keep my children safe.

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”
Proverbs 4:23 NIV

A great reminder in my devotional is we are not just the guardians of our children's physical safety, but their emotional and spiritual safety as well.  Honestly, I don't always think about my children's emotional safety.  First reaction to something not going as I planned is yelling, be it from fear or anger.  This can't be good for my children to feel safe emotionally.

Spiritual safety is on my mind often.  I pray for the children daily.  I don't think about the poison from my mouth that I am probably injecting into their hearts.  I have to remind my self of this verse often: "A gentle word turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." (Proverbs 15:1 NIV) May the love I have for my children flow from my mouth with gentleness.

They do know I love them, which tells me I must be doing something right!  I mean, just look at this picture from when we went out for lunch.  They couldn't get any closer if they tried! (and yes daddy is taking the picture and sitting by himself on the other side of the booth)