This game has been years in the making. Yes, years. I've been saving caps here and there. Caps from milk cartons, caps from those pouch baby foods and caps from apple cider. I started when Katie was about 18 months. So yes, about 2 years in the making...I should have a lot more collected, but I didn't want to have too much! Anyway, I also saved a cylindrical container to keep all the caps.
Now that Katie won't try to eat the caps, I've actually busted out this "game". The muffin tin is well, just the muffin tin we use to make our muffins, nothing special there! I let Katie sort the caps however she wanted. She first sorted by color. Then I made some suggestions, like to sort by size or shape. Katie had so much fun and asked to play again the next day!

Here is my girl, so proud of her hard work.
Ok, so this wasn't really a game. Katie even caught on to that pretty quickly. I did end up turning this into a game. Here's how. I would place one cap in half of the spots and Katie had to find a match to put in the other side. So, orange cap would get a matching orange cap. See that lonely yellow cap in the photo above. Katie was confused how to find a match for that. I suggested she look at the shape, not just the color. We talked about different ways to sort. Well needless to say, I felt like I had a good educational game moment and had to share it!
Have you had any of those moments recently? Had any in the past you want to share? I'd love to hear it!