Saturday, January 25, 2014

To my sweet 2 year old

Happy birthday Katie! You are two!!

My how you have grown!

A letter to my girlie:

My dearest Katie,

You are my very special girl. You're beautiful. You're loved. This past year has been full watching you continue to grow and learn. You learned to walk, run, blow bubbles, draw circles, play with baby dolls, sculpt with play doh and so much more!

You are on the verge of jumping, and riding bikes. Oh my how you are growing up so fast my little one. I have to remind myself to enjoy every stage and cherish every moment. It's hard sometimes because you are moving so fast!

Love you lots pumpkin pie,

Saturday, January 18, 2014

"Ah! Mommy! Snow!!"

Katie freaked out today because there was snow in my hair. I could only laugh. Snow so beautiful. While I don't like shoveling it, I do enjoy looking at it and playing in it. Katie sometimes thinks snow is bad or something.  She will learn that snow is fun to play in and  part of being a New Englander!

My Katie girl, you are just one day away from being 2. You have much more living to do. And oh how you will learn to love snow!!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Bock a Rye

Here we see Katie carrying one of her baby dolls around saying, "bock a rye."

What is that? Anyone have a guess?
I was totally confused.  Then, I realized she wasn't just saying, "bock a rye" rather singing "bock a rye" to her baby doll and rocking it back and forth. Ok, now I had an idea...

Did you guess Rock A Bye??  You are correct!!!  How cute.  She was singing & rocking her baby doll.  I loved seeing her act out being a mommy.

These are the little memories of my precious little ones that I want to keep.  These are the memories I want to write down.  They are cute and well, memorable.  They are just adorable!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Snow day fun!

Being cooped up inside a house all day with a toddler is not always fun. Here are some things we've done so far today. They are very easy and fun.

1. Crafts! Here is a very easy craft we did today. Paper snowman and a little snow scene. I'm thinking next time we do this, we will use cotton balls for snow on our snowman. 

2. "New" toys: Find toys your child hasn't played with in awhile! In Katie's case, even toys that she hasn't played with in a few days are like new fun toys. We played with her shopping cart, walking around the house, shopping in each room.

3. Music time! Ok, this one is my favorite. We busted out the kid instruments and sing Old McDonald or Mary had a Little Lamb while playing tambourines and the drum. Other times, we play music on my phone or the radio and have a dance party. No pictures of this, I was too busy having fun!!

4. Play doh. Okay this when we haven't done yet, but I'm pretty sure we're going to do it this afternoon. Katie just loves playing with it.