Monday, January 28, 2013

Katie's First Birthday!

A year has gone by...really?  I'll dwell on that in a later post.  This post is all about Katie's first birthday.  We had a Winnie the Pooh themed party on her actually birthday, January 19th. After searching the web (via Pinterest) for ideas.  Though part of me wanted to go all out I knew that since its Katie's first birthday & she wouldn't remember it anyway I decided I could keep the going all out stuff for when she was older.  One thing I did have fun making was the Happy Birthday banner, keeping it generic so I can use it again.  My circle cutters are awesome!  Now for the details on the party:

Some of the food had fun Pooh themed tags like:
Roo chips & Kanga's Mango Salsa, Rabbit's Garden, and Piglets in a Blanket (morbid, sorry)
 People may have been cramped, but all appeared to be having a good time.

 Katie enjoyed her Honey Bee Cupcakes.
Who wouldn't, chocolate cupcakes with vanilla frosting, plus they were super cute!
Special thanks to Auntie Amy and Grammy for baking & decorating them.

The party favors were Tigger tails (morbid, but tastey).

*Lots of inspiration for Katie's Pooh Party came from this website: Winne The Pooh Party with Pinterest helping me find ideas

Friday, January 4, 2013

Katie's First Christmas

Katie's first Christmas & we traveled all over the place!  From home to NY to CT and back.  There was a lot of time in the car, but Katie slept while we drove, so that part went really well.  We truly enjoyed our family time too.  Katie got to see all her grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.

One highlight was going into New York City.  I thought it would be fun.  Brian thought we were crazy, bringing our 11 month old into the city.  Katie seemed to enjoy people watching as we walked along.  At one point she held her head back and just stared at the sky scrapers.  It was cute to see her check everything out.

We even had a white Christmas!

What a wonderful celebration of Christ's birth we had.  Thank you Lord for sending your Son as a little babe to save us from our eternal damnation.  Truly the best gift ever.