Christmas celebrations were fun as always. We started at my sister's house. It was so fun to watch her kids open presents and spend time together.
Emily's tree with an explosion of presents
Christmas Eve was spent hanging with the Vienneaus. It was a long day, but a good one especially since it was probably the last time before our new addition comes.
Christmas day we went to a cousin's house for Cruz family craziness. The Yankee Swap was awesome as usual!
Then my parents, sisters, brother, niece, nephew, & brother-in-law slept at our house. It was so fun!!! Now, don't get me was insane too. We then went to Coco Key the day after Christmas and the next day. Surprising a super fun time even at 8 months pregnant!!
Bing Family

Less than a month until Baby Vno's due date! I can't wait to meet this little person :) She's moving like crazy. It's fun to feel her move and at times painful. She's still growing and there isn't much room left! I don't know how I can grow more than I have already. Can't wait to see her!!!!