Evidence of spring is popping up around the house! More visits from bunnies, flowers starting to grow, GREEN GRASS!!! We've even been able to open the windows on a few occasions.

Brewery Tour
We had a fun weekend with the McArthurs and Silvers. Part of the fun of having a bigger place is the ability to have visitors!

This particular weekend, we saw parts of Boston we haven't visited before, like the Samuel Adams Brewery Tour. This is a smaller facility, so we learned about how to make beer, where Samuel Adams gets their hops from, and saw their boilers. We got to try malted barley, which actually wasn't so bad. It made for a good snack since we were getting hungry for lunch. Overall, it was a great tour, mostly because of the beer, but the free 4oz glass was nice too.
We'd definitely recommend checking it out. Its a fun thing to do in Boston. As "locals", we had never done it, and we're glad we checked it out!