We talk to our daughter about making good or wise choices, but do we think about that for ourselves? Do we think about the choices we are making as parents? as adults? as humans? I'm writing this from a mother's perspective (since that's my current job/life right now)
Choose to enjoy this stage. Whatever stage your child/children may be in. Enjoy the drooling infant who is destroying his outfit as he blows out his diaper with yet another explosive poop. Enjoy the energy and intense emotions of your preschooler. Enjoy the empty house as your children are off to college, though you miss the noise right now, I hear you get used to it.
Choose to have a positive attitude. Even when the house is a mess. Even when the baby didn't sleep. Even when your toddler is throwing a fit in the middle of the grocery store. I guess I'll throw in being thankful under positive attitude. Take another look at your life when you are in your funk/bad attitude, maybe you are missing something. Maybe you do actually have lots to be thankful for and you are just missing out on life because you are choosing to focus on the negative.
Choose to listen to uplifting music. Turn off the kid music and put on some country or worship music. Encourage yourself with your tunes, choose music that makes you happy & put you in a good mood.
Choose who you will serve. Yes, as parents we serve our children. Sometimes it is so draining. I always have to remind myself, I'm not just a servant. I ask myself: Will I serve the Lord in all that I do? Will I serve my kids, knowing as I do I'm raising them (by example) to be upstanding citizens? I'm talking more than just good people, but a child of God.
Choose to rely on God's strength. There is so much out of our control as parents. "How do you do it?" asks a friend. Well, #1-prayer and #2-a strength that only comes from God. These two truly help me get through the day to day monotony that being a mom can sometimes be. God's strength is how I can have a smile on my face even when I have children melting down and I'm sleep deprived!